Pollution & Energy Equivalents for: Warwick Valley High School
Total Energy Generated to Date: 30,562 kWh
Avoided 66,838 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions compared with emissions from this site's utility when producing its electricity.
Enough energy to operate a 75 Watt ordinary incandescent light bulb for 407,489 hours.
The amount of CO₂ emissions from the tailpipe of a large sport utility vehicle driving 51,256 miles

Enough energy for 2,386 Americans for one day.
The amount of CO₂ removed from the atmosphere by 1,392 mature trees in one year.
Enough energy to operate an 18 Watt compact fluorescent light bulb of equivalent brightness for 1,697,873 hours.
The amount of CO₂ emissions from the tailpipe of a small hybrid vehicle driving 170,506 miles.